Tips for Acing your next phone interview.

So your resume is stellar, your LinkedIn profile impeccable, and you've caught a potential employers' attention. Now they want to get to know you better. It may be easy to blow off a first phone interview as a preliminary introduction with a non-hiring manager, just a minor formality in the interview process. But without acing this first step the other steps probably won't happen. 

Here are a few tips to ensure you excel during this important first step!

- Print out your resume - Be prepared to answer questions about your background and items on your resume.

- Create a list of items you want to cover during the conversation - This is an important step that shows your commitment to the interview as well as to the company. As the conversation moves forward cross off the items that are covered and be sure to ask questions about those items that are not covered.

- Make a call from a controlled environment - Your home is a great example. You want to take or make an interview call in an environment where you can minimize noise and disruptions. The more controlled the space the fewer distractions you'll encounter!

- SMILE ! - You can hear a smile over the phone. Smiling will bring energy and excitement to your voice. You want to ensure that your enthusiasm for the position shines and that there is no doubt about your energy or excitement for the position.

- MONEY, Don't talk about it! - Finally, save the discussion about salary for further in the process. Yes compensation is a big part of a new position, and yes its also part filtering process and may be brought up by the interviewer, but you do not want to kill an opportunity before having the full picture. If the subject is brought up, simply respond with, " I am negotiable" or "Id prefer to discuss compensation in person", this will often get the interviewer to move on.

Check out the articles below!
8 Phone Interview Tips that will land you a second Interview
Phone interview questions & how to master them


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