Networking Myths vs the Reality

Networking is one of the strongest weapons in your professional arsenal. Whether you are looking to increase sales or attempting to find a change in your career path, networking is an invaluable tool.

Yet in spite of the demonstrated value, many people have a difficult time understanding the concept of professional networking. There is a belief that if you are shy or introverted, you are not capable of networking. This is just not true. Great professionals understand that all personality types have outstanding attributes to offer to any team.

Here are a few of myths I frequently hear.

Myth - Only desperate and under-qualified people have to network. People who are great at their jobs can find new positions in a more "traditional manor."

Truth  - Most people will look for new employment at some point throughout their professional lives. As the economy and business needs change, the accuracy of this truth becomes ever more legitimate. In fact, many people will go through a career change multiple times in their lives, and the reality is that the days of "one profession from start till retirement" have long since passed. The intelligent job seeker realizes that many of the best positions are not actively advertised and, applying to those positions that are advertised can be tantamount to tossing your resume into a proverbial black hole. The truth is, smart people know networking is a great way to search for a new opportunity. 

Myth - Networking only works for outgoing brown-nosers.

Truth - Networking is for anyone. Sure extroverts may have an easier time striking up a conversation than their introverted counter parts; however, this does not mean they are any better at it. Typically, introverted people have very valuable gifts to offer, such as: a great capacity to listen, ask thorough questions, and succeed with strong follow up. You should also remember that, like everything else, your ability to network will get stronger with time and practice. The truth is, your network may start off as a snowball, but through persistence and tenacity, you will create an avalanche.

Myth - People who network have the "It's all about me" mindset. 

Truth - Those with the strongest networks are masters of reciprocity. Anyone who employs a network strategy of consistently bombarding top level people with request are doing themselves a major disservice. Developing a reputation for being generous makes people more likely to take a chance on you. And you never know, the person you help today, may be in an outstanding position to help tomorrow.

Myth - Begin with "small talk"

Truth - Today's generation of professionals are happy to discuss work. The old go to was to bond over weather, sports, or family, but in today's fast paced world, business professionals are happy to discuss work and usually expect it. Talking shop with fellow professionals during happy hour is no longer considered rude. It's simple, you're passionate about your work. Lead with it. 
