On the fence about your job? Hate Mondays? Maybe its time for a Change.

How do you know when it's time to change careers? It is easy to miss the signs and it is easy to become indifferent with regards to your current situation. After all the pay check is meeting your needs;  trying to exert the effort to undertake a job search might seem daunting.

Sure you have a "good job" that has a decent salary and you might be doing well with regards to other people... but is that enough ? Are you satisfied? If you are not building a collection of "Aha's", if you are not growing personally and professionally, if you are collecting accomplishments for your boss and not yourself, then your job is ripping you off. If all you're collecting is a paycheck, that MIGHT sustain you for two weeks, than you are sorely underselling yourself and your self worth.

Change is good! If you are doing the same thing day in and day out, without passion, without excitement and growth, THEN maybe it's time to change!

Here are few signs that may suggest, it's time for a change in your career.

1. Loss of Purpose 

Your happiness is essential to your ability to perform and to advance, not only in your career but also in your life. If you have grown tired of getting up in the morning just to go into your daily and have lost your passion for the job you are doing, then it is time to move on.

Before I began working with Snelling, I spent my days tooling around in restaurant management. Even as a general manager I would report to work for 10 to 12 hour shifts and most days I would take criticism ( I would use a less professional word here but don't want to offend anyone) from multiple sides, staff, corporate and guest. At first, solving problems in this fast paced business fulfilled my needs. I felt wanted, I was making money, and I had nothing better to do with my time. But then I had children ... and the 12 hour days, and the "oh-so-pleasant" expectations on the job no longer held my desire... so I made a change.

2. Your full Potential is not Valued

When your boss is just your boss, when he or she does not help you invest in continued growth or help you reach your full potential, then its time for a Change.

When I was younger, I was taught to value myself. I was taught not to be used for what I can contribute without expecting compensation (not to say the lesson was to be greedy, but not to be used). Often, especially in the service industry, the montra is what have you done for me today, with out regards to your previous accomplishments. If you are in this kind of environment, then it might be time for a change.

3. Hostility or Backstabbing are the Primary Cultures in your Workplace

The culture in a workplace starts from the top. If your work place culture is hostile, if backstabbing is common place, it is typically sanctioned by those in charge and it is nurtured. You may think you are okay with this because you have nothing to hide or you always do your job the way it should be done; but, in a hostile work environment it is difficult to build trust. If you spend your days looking over your shoulder, you are not only affecting your professional life but your personal life as well.

When you are part of an organization that is full of human capital, leadership, and workplace issues, its time to look for a change.

4. When your mind or body tells you enough is enough

If you are constantly dreading Monday morning, waking up exhausted, find yourself constantly anxious or depressed, that may be your mind and body telling you that you are spending a third of your life in the wrong place.

When I made the decision to leave the restaurant industry it was because of constant stress, little reward, and a feeling that I was supposed to be doing something other than trying to appease a regional director with the emotional intelligence of an eggplant. Before coming to this conclusion I had increased my drinking to cope with anxiety, I spent several nights not sleeping, and was constantly agitated... My body was telling me it was time for a change and I wasn't listening.

Although it took me awhile to come to this personal understanding and make a change, I am in a position now that I enjoy immensely. I wake up daily with a game plan to accomplish a goal instead of chasing a goal that can not be accomplished. I have little unhealthy stress and most days I am excited about what I will accomplish. If you find yourself constantly unhappy with your work life, stressed by the idea of dealing with task or team members, make the changes necessary so you too no longer dread Mondays.

For more great reading on this topic follow these links.
Ten Signs It’s Time For A Career Change - How Many Of These Apply To You?
8 signs it’s time to change your career.
3 Surefire Signs it's Time for a Career Change
