So You've Received a Counteroffer to Your Notice to Leave- Consider this First

So finally your decision to look for a new career path has paid off. You've turned in your notice and began the make the mental adjustments, when you boss offers you a reason not to leave, a counter-offer. Enter the emotional roller coaster; are you flattered, honored, excited, most certainly confused!

Before you decide to jump at the offer of more money or promised change, here are a few things to consider.

In most cases the counteroffer is driven by whats in the companies best interest in the immediate moment. They understand that your position drives or controls revenue and with out someone in your position they will incur losses. But that counter offer does not mean that you are indispensable or irreplaceable. In fact, most career experts suggest the exact opposite. Many times once you put in your notice your loyalty and commitment to the company will immediately come into question, as such your boss may begin looking for your replacement, keeping you as a place holder to maintain the companies interest.

Another thing to consider is the reason you decided to look for a new position in the first place. Most career experts identify pay as the 8th or 9th reason why most people stay in a position, with job satisfaction, relationship with co-workers, and work-life balance, showing as the most important. That being said, increased pay, will most likely, not address the underlying issues in your decision to leave. And as we all know, promise to change without action is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

Have a look at these great articles.

 Boss Counteroffered? 5 Reasons Not to Say 'Yes'!

The Top 10 Factors For On-The-Job Employee Happiness
