Tips To Maximizing Job Seeking for The Recent College Grad!

For many, soon to be college grads, the task of job hunting may seem daunting and difficult. Many college grads will receive their diplomas and immediately begin applying online to their dream jobs. But in a sea of 1000's of applicants, hitting the "Apply Now" button, is tantamount to tossing your resume into a proverbial black hole.

Here are some great tips to avoid some common mistakes and make yourself stand out.

- Don't Delay!- Many college grads wait to apply till they have their diploma in hand. This is a big mistake. The old adage, "Its not what you know, but who you know", holds more water now than ever before! That being said many career advisers recommend building the framework of your professional network as soon as possible. Utilizing your current connections, who most likely have several career contacts already, I.E. your professors and college advisers, is an excellent place to start. Getting yourself in a position to have general conversations with those already in the field is an excellent way to show off your soft skills while making connections in your field

- Create a customize resume! - If your resume is a consist a list of completed coursework, a degree, and a few odd jobs to keep you a float in college, chances are its going to be passed over. Your resume should be a marketing tool, not an autobiography. A statement that introduces yourself, a personal brand statement, should be the first thing a potential employer sees. These brand states, as well as the body of your resume, should be customized to the position you are applying for.

You should also consider listing soft skills that are applicable to the position you are applying for. For instance, if you are applying for a position as an accountant, business storytelling or artistic sense, are probably not what the employer is looking for. Where as, business trend awareness, time management, crisis resolution, and highly organized, will build a better image of your brand.

- Appearing Unprofessional - This extends to much more than your interview appearance! Remember those photos you posted from Cancun a few spring breaks back? GET RID OF THEM! HR insiders suggest sanitizing your social media profiles and eliminating the 3 B's (Beers, Bongs, and Bikinis) from your social media presence before you begin to put your name out there. As the digital age continues to amp up you should consider the high probability that your potential employers will google your name and browse your social background prior to extending you an offer.

- Finally, always follow up - Mastering the initial steps of the application process is vital, but by simply failing to follow up with a strong thank you, you may blow your chances. Many HR experts believe that sending a thank you note after an interview is a further confirmation that you are excited and interested.

Related Article:
10 Job Search Mistakes of New College Grads
Job Hunting for College Grads: A Survival Guide
List of Soft Skills
Resume Branding Statement Samples for Job-Seekers
A step-by-step Guide to Sanitizing your Social Media Presence
