I’m happy at my current job – but should I look elsewhere? - Chris Bennis

Here is an outstanding write up from one of our top recruiters - Chris Bennis

We’ve all been there – had the one job were we dread walking in the door and as soon as it’s quitting time, we are out of there like it’s a fire drill.  In those cases,  obviously you are keeping your resume updated and sending it where ever you can. But, how about when you are in your “dream job” – what then? Do you “keep your options open” or are you “off the market?

As a recruiter, I have seen it time and again – people who have found the ideal job and the ideal place. Heck, that is what I work to do – find people “that” job… but I also see management companies change, owners change, and frankly, people change.  It all begs the question – do you keep yourself available for other opportunities even if you are happy where you are at.  The answer is a resounding YES!
While I wouldn’t recommend renting a billboard advertising you availability, there are tactful ways to stay “out there”….

·         Keep your resume current – and eliminate stuff that dates back to when Windows 95 was “brand new”. 
·         Once you have your resume updated, share it with a select group of recruiters – emphasizing that you would be open to opportunities on a CONFIDENTIAL basis. As a recruiter I am here for YOU. Don’t wait for me to call you about a job (of course I will once I have one that fits what you are looking for) – but you can also use a recruiter to help “get your foot in the door” at a company you are interested in.  If you see a job opening or hear of an upcoming position, before you blindly send your resume over,  call or email me first. I may have a great inside connection there and get your resume to the top of the pile. Let me work for you
·         Social Networking is a MUST. This is important on two levels. First professionally, keep your LinkedIn profile updated, and make sure your profile matches your resume – employers can and will check this. If you have not connected to recruiters in your industry – do it. It never hurts.  Second on a personal level, make sure your social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are clean. In other words – any pictures, graphics, or status updates that you wouldn’t want your mother to see, should be taken down. More and more, employers are checking you out online before sending you that great new offer letter.
Candidates who are “passively” looking – or ones who are happy at their current company, but are always open to new opportunities are highly more attractive than those who are actively looking. Not that there is anything wrong with actively looking, but  you lose some bargaining ability then. 
So, the time is now – stay current, stay open, stay relevant and keep moving forward!
