Nervous about your next interview? A few tips to help you relax!

Ok, so its "go time", you are standing in the lobby of the company you are about interview with. You palms are sweaty, each ragged breath you draw fills your lungs bringing your pounding heart up your throat. You try to swallow, but your tongue is thick and heavy. Your mouth is so dry that you wonder if you ate a box of crackers.Your heart is pounding so loud you are sure the whole room can hear it. You begin to sweat. Behind a desk a figure leers at you, a seemingly demonic stare of glee as they watch you twitch in your angst.

But its just an interview not the beginning of a horror movie. And being nervous is normal. Here are a few tips to help you beat those interview jitters.

Now wipe your hands, they're still sweaty.

First things first. Pat yourself on the back! They called you! They obviously feel as if you have a lot to offer. Feels good to be wanted doesn't it.

Secondly, do your research! You want to know as much about the company as possible. Being able to carry on a great conversation with the interviewer about something they are passionate about (their company) will show that you are just as interested in them.

Now before the interview, relax, breathe, go over your notes, iron yo
ur clothes and above all be prepared to be early, the last thing you want to do is be running late. Not only will this make you a complete wreck, but being late is not the first impression you want to make.

During the interview remember to believe in yourself! You really are that great, let it show! Discuss your motives and your strengths, you want to highlight those things tha
t will make you the best candidate. Make certain you are present in the discussion, listening makes people feel special and leads to an ability to have a conversation as opposed to a question and answer session. Remember that Talent will get you in the door, but character will keep you in the room.

Finally, remember to not put unnecessary pressure on yourself by comparing yourself to other candidates. You want to keep your focus on you on why you are a great investment and on what type of value you can bring to the company.

Check out these great related articles:
Cheeky tips: 10 weird ways to beat interview nerves
7 Tips to Make Interview Nerves Disappear
