Not Getting Job Interviews? Recruiters Aren’t Your Problem

MBA Highway has a great article. 

I read a book a while back called If It’s Going To, Be It’s Up to Me by Robert H. Schuller. A self-help book, the gist is that we all have abilities and talents – but most of this potential goes underutilized, or completely un-used. According to the author, we can’t rely on others to clear paths for us to achieve our goals; we have to do it ourselves.
In most job searches, however, it seems that often we wait for the world to come to us. Like we live in some giant Starbucks, and our only contribution is to simply verbalize our order. As we patiently wait, we watch puffs of steam and listen to comforting, frothy whooshes that tell us our desires are being fulfilled behind the counter, just out of sight. In just moments, they’ll be handed to us in a steaming cup… with our name written on the side.
It seems that despite countless advisers’ admonitions and blog posts to the contrary (including posts on this very blog), job seekers – including those chronically unemployed – still take this approach when searching for an internship or job.
Life should be that simple.
“That’s not true. I did the work – I sent my resume!”
That’s a great start – but it is just the startAre you getting called for interviews? “No. No one ever calls me!” is the often heard reply. I see it on Twitter chats a few times every week.
If that is all you are doing… the harsh reality is you’re really not doing any work. And you need to start now!
If you’re not getting consistent response from recruiters, then it’s up to you to change the situation. If it’s going to be, it’s up to you – not the recruiter. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
