The Why and How of Working with Recruiters

There is a lot of confusion about working with recruiters, also known as search professionals, headhunters, or godly-miracle working-job finding people. We often receive calls and messages asking for assistance from people about to graduate, individuals searching for a new career path, or those unfortunate souls who are no longer employed. While we are always excited to review the resume of a new candidate and help in any way we can, the questions above illustrate a common misconception into what we, recruiters, actually do. 

Here are some things to keep in mind while working with recruiters. 

First, be responsive to a recruiters inquiries.  It is important to remember that there are thousands of fish in the 'employment' sea, so if we are attempting to network with you we see value in your employment profile. It should also be mentioned, that due to the nature of our work, we often have leads on confidential and unlisted positions that may be the "dream opportunity' you didn't realize you were searching for. Therefore, it is always recommend to at least join a recruiter's professional network regardless of your employment status. Not everyone has a background that is congruent with a recruiter's preferences, so if a recruiter connects with you, please consider it a compliment. 

Second, always be upfront and specific. If you are currently interviewing for another position, be honest and tell us. This will not prevent us from considering you as a candidate as we understand that every interview does not result in a hire. But, if we are excited about your background for a position, knowing upfront that you are in talks for another position will stop us from misrepresenting you and by-proxy ourselves. 

Also, keep in mind that being specific about your career needs and non-negotiable aspects of your job search will ultimately save frustration for both you and the recruiter. For instance, if you are searching for a particular type of company, a target salary range, or distinct set of benefits, let us know in advance. Our goal is to fill a position with a perfect candidate, creating a consistent partnership between our clients and candidates, your needs and desire will play a huge roll in fulfilling that goal. 

Third, be respectful of a recruiter's time. It's safe to say that your recruiter is simultaneously working on multiple job searches at anytime. It is also safe to assume that due to those job searches, we are interviewing and reviewing dozens of candidates each week.  With that being said, a scheduled interview represents time given, out of a very limited schedule, to get to know you as the perfect candidate. When a candidate misses an interview without the courtesy of a heads up, monopolizes a conversation for 30 minutes, or takes an interview at an inappropriate time or place, it paints a picture of disrespect and chances are you will not be a candidate we decide to present, regardless of your qualifications. 

Fourth, stop concerning yourself with how recruiter's get paid. Just know that you are not paying us for the work we do. Yes, this means that we work for the client and not the candidate, this does not mean that we are not excited to network with you, as you provide the talent that we represent! The pride of our business is our candidate network.  

Fifth, keep an open relationship with your recruiter. You never know when you may need a recruiter's help again. Stay in the forefront of their network by providing assistance on job searches when possible and staying in contact. Recruiter's often start their searches with their professional networks and many offer a monetary incentive or "referral program" for help that results in a placement. 

Final Thoughts: While working with a recruiter, it's important to trust them. Contacting the employer directly can put the client and the recruiter in a tough position and chances are your application/resume will be dropped as a direct result. It is also important to remember that it is in the recruiter's best interest to maintain a healthy working relationship with as many candidates as possible. This inherently means that having your best interest in mind directly relates to the success of our business. But it should also be mentioned that common courteous and interview follow ups are imperative with regards to a productive rapport. 
