Pizza…and Resumes….

As I write this – I am waiting for a grocery store bought pizza to finish cooking in the oven.  Now don’t get me wrong, I like a good take & bake pizza as much as the next guy – but a thick slice of pizza from a local place down the street always tastes better. While I can make my own pizza – it’s best handled by those with more experience.  The same can be said for resume writing…

Each day we come across dozens of resumes…some better than others.  One name becomes the next – one career objective rolls into another.  We know what we are looking for in a resume, and sadly even if you have the experience – if it isn’t on the resume, there is a good chance we are moving on to the next one.  With the hundreds of resume templates that are readily available, everyone thinks they can just plug in a couple lines here and there – and viola – a “perfect resume”.  Truth be told – their resume may LOOK good – but it’s the content that is still suffering.

For the same reason retired football players become coaches – those who know, are the best to advise. We see hundreds, if not thousands of resumes a year, and know what works – and frankly what doesn’t.  It’s with this in mind, Snelling Hospitality is proud to now offer resume critique services. It’s a chance for you to take advantage of our experience – and to showcase your skills/abilities.
Still think that you don’t need advice with that resume? 

Consider the following questions…

  • ·         What bullet points on a resume will gain the most traction?
  • ·         I was only at a job for 5 months, how do I explain that on my resume?
  • ·         I have a gap in my employment – what do I do with that on my resume?
  • ·         I have an extensive background – and my resume is several pages long – how long is TOO long?

Sound familiar?  We can help answer those questions and can create the best resume for you. It’s your career – let US help you display your accomplishments.

Your resume is your first impression to employers – let’s work together to make it a great one!

If you would like more information click below,  we would be happy to share more about our resume critique services.
