Are you or someone you know on the hunt for a new role in 2018? If so are they leaving that to chance?
If you are not doing the housekeeping on your resume and LinkedIn profile, you certainly are doing yourself an injustice.
While it seems some of our most recent candidates are sending in fantastic resumes, ones that are in great form and content, they are not doing the same to their LinkedIn. I wanted to give a few tips on updating your profile for 2018!
1) Have a photo! This is pretty important in showing you are active and updated.. see some examples.
2) Update your current or last positions, to at least match a resume. If this is not done, it may provide a false sense to hiring managers. It is important it is relevant.
3) Use the profile summary, and keep it current. If you are aspirations or positions change, change the summary.
4) Customize your public profile URL, if you are unsure about how to do this, follow these instructions from Liz Ryan at Forbes.
While these are certainly not the end of what you can do on LinkedIn, these will certainly help you get a start on helping you stand out and be current and up to date on here.
